How to stop the war in Ukraine

Monday, April 4, 2022 (05:18). Today I had the vision below. You probably prefer to read The end of the war in Ukraine instead of the following blog post, which is here just to keep track of this moment.

In order to stop the war activities in Ukraine, the United Nations Organisation will soon announce the Sustainable Peace Programme. This will be an announcement, not an agreement. It will include a reasonable date of coming into force, so that every concerned actor has time to understand it and to plan their reaction. As a consequence of this programme, the NATO will be the first to retire all soldiers and weapons from the territories around those of the Russian federation. Both the NATO and the Russian Federation will start to reorient their armed activities towards efficient non-violent resistance. The only opponents of this programme will be producers of weapons.

The Sustainable Peace Programme

  • A world-wide administrative procedure where every individual can register as a citizen of the world. Every citizen of the world must declare their nationality, and nations must confirm this nationality. Citizens with undefined nationality will have a special status. There will be “nations” that do not have their own independent government.

  • Every citizen can furthermore register any appreciable private property such as real estate objects or noteworthy art objects. Any owner must declare another person that would inherit this property in case of her death. Legal persons must register a single natural person as their representative.

  • The UN grants financial help to every registered world citizen in order to secure their survival. This includes migration costs of individuals who are forced to move to another geographical area for security reasons. The UN will publish rules to regulate this programme.

  • Every material or health damage caused to any citizen by a criminal act will be registered as an incident, and all costs involved for recovering from this incident will be registered. These costs will be booked to the account of the natural or legal person identified as responsible for this incident.

  • The UN will use an open standard for reporting about debts and liabilities.

  • The UN will be the authority that assigns every geographical region of the world to a nation that is responsible for regulating its usage.

  • The UN will ultimately ban all weapons forever.


A friend reacted: Esiteks, UN on “valitute klubi”, kuhu muuseas Eesti veel ei kuulu. UN julgeolekunõukogu peab andma NATOle loa konflikti siseneda. Trikk on selles, et kui üks esindajaiik seab ettepanekule veto siis midagi ei juhtu. Kõige iroonilisem on see, et Venemaa on UN julgeoleku komitee liige, seega, mingit tulemust sealt ei saa, sest nad eitavad kõike ja vetostavad. NATO ei tegutse iseseisvalt neile on UN luba vaja. Kosovo, Iraak või Balkani sõda oli puhtalt USA initsiatiiv, Iraaki nt NATO väed ei läinud. Eestlase panustasid vaid väljaõppega, no ilmselt teised riigid ka.

I answered: Yes, now I remember that in my first thought when I woke up it was actually the NATO and not the UN who announced this. I updated my vision on a new page where I will continue to devlop it: The end of the war in Ukraine.