Friday, August 9, 2024

Q: What do you think? Will the USA control Bangladesh in the future?

No, the USA aren’t going to control Bangladesh. The USA themselves are being controlled. Some evil spirit is trying to gain more and more control over all peoples of the world, and the survival of humanity as a whole is in danger. Nobody knows the name of that spirit. It is called “capitalism”, “money”, “neoliberalism”, “Western culture”, …

But this evil spirit is not going to rule the whole world. It is just a temporary issue. Don’t panic. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Just do your best, that’s enough.

The people in Bangladesh are standing before a wide land of possibilities. May God show them the right steps into a better future.

I recommend getting inspired by the visions propagated by the Laudato si movement <>`__. Most of them are small projects initiated by normal people like you and me. For example Christian Felber in Austria: What if the common good was the goal of the economy?