Sunday, November 24, 2024¶
EKN has modernized their website but not its content. Their statements about homosexuality are still there, only the links have changed:
Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu seisukoht homoseksuaalsuse küsimuses (16.10.2008)
Seisukohavõtt homoseksuaalsuse küsimuses (18.11.2010)
If you look at the new links, you can see that obviously they didn’t worry much about URL design when migrating their website…
I see that after their letter to Signe Riisalo (minister for social protection) in May 2023, where they said “The Estonian Council of Churches does not agree with the draft law amending the Family Act and other related laws” (EKNi arvamus perekonnaseaduse eelnõu kohta) they have become silent. Could we interpret this as a sign of repentance?