About prayer¶
Praying is the opposite of working. It is a relaxation technique
Praying is social training.
A relaxation technique¶
Praying is a relaxation technique. It protects you against burnout. It helps you to “get out of the hamster wheel”. Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress response

By Doenertier82, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
No time for prayer?¶
Getting out of the hamster wheel is theoretically easy: simply reserve some time for yourself.
When I invite people to come to some prayer meeting, they usually answer with a more or less direct variant of “I am overwhelmed with projects and appointments! Why would I add year another meeting to my calendar?”
I have at least three prayer meetings per week in my calendar. When I add the time I spend for transportation, that’s more than one man-day per week. And I don’t miss this time because these hours give me back more energy than they require.
Check how much time you spend for entertainment. The entertainment industry wants you. And they are the most efficient and wily time thieves in the world. When you manage to reserve some time for yourself, you usually spend it for useless experiences that only pretend to get you out of the hamster wheel. I am often amazed to see how much money and energy people are willing to invest into relaxing. The cheapest and most efficient way to relax is a prayer meeting. I have no proof for this claim.
- to pray¶
To speak with God as a child speaks with her father or mother. You tell God about your observations and emotions, you listen what he answers, and you do your best to play your personal role in God’s divine plan.
- prayer¶
A spiritual practice that includes any form of communicating with God. It can express as meditation, reading, speaking, singing, dancing, walking, painting, writing, building and others. Prayer can be practised individually or in groups.
“You will never enjoy the sweetness of a quite prayer unless you shut your mind to all worldly desires and temporal affairs.” – St. Norbert of Xanten (1075–1134)
“We should always pray as if acting was useless, and act as if prayer wasn’t enough” – Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897)