The good and the evil

I’ll start with three definitions:


The science of differentiating between good and evil. Replace “good” with “right” and “evil” with “wrong” if you prefer.


What is in harmony with reality.


What is in disharmony with reality.

Yes, I am simplifying. Refer for example to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for a more complex discussion.

I love to use simple definitions. These definitions are easy in theory, but it’s of course not easy to tell which of them to assign to some concrete action or message or thought.

Morality is similar to computer science in that it is based on series of binary values. You look at the world in terms of using only two values, good and evil, 1 and 0, with nothing between them.

The root problem of our time, the father of all our problems, is a lack of faith throughout society. The world is ruled by money, by greedy giants. And an increasing number of people ignore the Gospel because there are not enough workers to announce it. And the church often wastes her time with spreading useless –if not counterproductive– messages.