How to discuss about vaccination

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 (22:07)

Karmen Kaukver spoke with Lutheran archbishop Urmas Viilma. One of his answers seems interesting for the Synodal Church:

KK: Mida soovitate inimestele, et nad sõprade ja perekonna seas suudaks säilitada rahu ja head suhted vaatamata erimeelsustele vaktsineerimise osas?

UV: Seni, kuni me naudime vaidlemist ja soovime vastanduda, me seda ka teeme. Kui soovime rahu, tuleb enda jaoks jõuda otsusele, et ei lähe tülitsemisega kaasa. See ei eelda teise poole argumentidega leppimist või nõustumist. See eeldab rahu ja hea läbisaamise väärtustamist enam kui oma tõe manifesteerimist või vaidluses peale jäämise tunnet. Seega, rahu säilitamiseks peab seda rahu hindama, väärtustama ja selle nimel vaeva nägema.

My comment:

I am not satisfied with his answer. He doesn’t say anything wrong, but leaves out something important. His answer reveals one of the differences between (classical / democratic) teamwork and synodality. See About synodal teamwork. I guess that Urmas basically agrees with me. After all this was just his spontaneous answer in an interview, and they were speaking about vaccination, which is a quite hot topic…

Post scriptum

Urmas is right in an important point, which I forgot to see immediately. He just chose to focus on the following: Christmas time is a time for celebrating. One of the important functions of celebrating is to offer a spiritual place where “the rule” says to everybody: “shut up now!” If we fail to obey this rule, we spoil the celebration. One benefit of art of celebrating is to cultivate our detachment skills.