Reason versus love¶
Friday, May 27, 2022 (12:12)
A historical site in Liège (Belgium) has evolved since 1980 into an urban natural space. But a part of it was now sold to Matexi, a private corporation. And of course their goal is to make it “profitable”. Where “profitable” means “for themselves”. Which is about the opposite of “for everybody”. A handful of people defend this site against Matexi love it. They collected a few thousand voices of other people. A battle between public and private interest. But what are a few thousand voices shouting “We love Chartreuse” compared to a few millions of euros! Love is not a legally defined entity.
News in French:
2022-03-31 Le conseil d’état rejette l’ultime recours contre le permis du lotissement de la Chartreuse
2018-04-05 Une nouvelle version du projet Matexi au domaine de la Chartreuse
Matexi group (the private corporation)
Un Air de Chartreuse (the “defender”):
My comment
Defending the remaining natural and cultural sites of our common home against private corporations is actually the job of the church. An ideal church would have been supporting the defenders since their beginnings.
The church is not ideal. She cannot and doesn’t need to be ideal. But she must be synodal: on her way towards an ideal.
Dear Holy Father, if you want the church to be synodal, then ask your sheep in Région Wallonne to pray for the defenders and to support them.